28.03.2019 – Совет молодых ученых РОП

Архив за день: 28.03.2019

6th Maudsley Mediterranean Forum

Dear Colleagues, 
Please pay attention to the 6th Maudsley Mediterranean Forum which Professor Sir Robin Murray and Dr Marta Di Forti are organising in Palermo, Sicily from the 27th to 30th of May 2019. The Forum will provide an update on advances in clinical and research psychiatry with innovative talks from great psychiatrists. We expect about 80 psychiatrists and mental health staff from across Europe and beyond. 
The 5 previous Forums have all been very successful, ­ both educational and fun; ­ serious science but also Sicilian sunshine and hospitality. You can get a flavour of it in our website  
There are more sponsorship now available to allow reduced fee for trainees. 

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