Архив за день: 17.08.2019
Global Psychiatry Journal
Уважаемые коллеги! Ниже приводится сообщение от Florian Riese, приглашающее направлять рукописи в Global Psychiatry Journal.
Dear colleagues,
as an editor of "Global Psychiatry“, I would like to invite you to submit manuscripts to our journal. It is a new open access journal with a very broad, global scope (https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/gp/gp-overview.xml). The journal is backed by a number of prominent psychiatrists (Editorial Board: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/gp/gp-overview.xml). However, it has no impact factor yet and it is not listed in Pubmed yet, since it only started in 2018. However, we will get there soon. Because the journal is open access, there is a handling fee of 800 Euros. We assure rapid editorial and reviewer decisions.
As a former co-chair of the WPA ECPC section, I think this is an excellent publication platform for ECPs around the world. Feel free to contact me for further information: florian.riese@mailbox.org
Best wishes,