Февраль 2020 – Совет молодых ученых РОП

Архив за месяц: Февраль 2020

EFPT Forum 2020, Bursaries

The Bucharest EFPT Forum is fast approaching and the EFPT board and the Local Organising Committee are really looking forward to welcoming trainees from as many different countries as possible to Romania in July 1-5, 2020! EFPT runs a bursary scheme to facilitate attendance at the Forum by delegates who may not otherwise be able to attend due to financial reasons. Application should be sent to president@efpt.eusecretary@efpt.eu and treasurer@efpt.eu. Deadline to apply is the 22nd of March 2020. You can find more information in the document attached.

ECNP Research Internship 2020-2021

The ECNP Research Internship is an initiative of #ECNP and its Early Career Advisory Panel, it aims to provide short-term research internship opportunities for early career scientists, across the spectrum of applied and translational neuroscience. For the 2020-2021 ERI round fifteen research internships will be supported.

Application is now open! The deadline is on 19 February 2020 (you can still submit your application on this day).

Информация о продлении приема заявок на публикацию тезисов и постерные доклады на XVII Съезде психиатров

Уважаемые коллеги! Оргкомитет XVII Съезда психиатров, который состоится 4-7.05.2020 в Санкт-Петербурге совместно с Конгрессом Всемирной психиатрической ассоциации, постановил продлить прием заявок на публикацию тезисов и постерные доклады до 15 февраля. Порядок подачи заявок прежний. Полная информация на сайте РОП.

2020 EFPT Porto Research Award

Dear all, I would like to remind you that the call for applications for the 2020 EFPT (European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees) Porto Research Award is now open! Apply for a chance to see your research awarded with a 1.000€ prize. The application deadline is March 22nd, the winner will be announced at the beginning of May. Please spread the information to all psychiatric trainees that might be eligible for this award to grant them this unique opportunity.
The Jury will be composed of:
Prof. Norman Sartorius
Prof. Silvana Galderisi
Prof. Eliot Sorel
Prof. Joannes Hebebrand
EFPT President- Dr. George Stercu
All information can be found on the EFPT website
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