03.02.2020 – Совет молодых ученых РОП

Архив за день: 03.02.2020

2020 EFPT Porto Research Award

Dear all, I would like to remind you that the call for applications for the 2020 EFPT (European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees) Porto Research Award is now open! Apply for a chance to see your research awarded with a 1.000€ prize. The application deadline is March 22nd, the winner will be announced at the beginning of May. Please spread the information to all psychiatric trainees that might be eligible for this award to grant them this unique opportunity.
The Jury will be composed of:
Prof. Norman Sartorius
Prof. Silvana Galderisi
Prof. Eliot Sorel
Prof. Joannes Hebebrand
EFPT President- Dr. George Stercu
All information can be found on the EFPT website
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