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EPA ECPC-EFPT cross-sectional survey on the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe

We would like to invite all Early Career Psychiatrists (psychiatric trainees and early career specialists in adult or child and adolescent psychiatry) in Europe to participate in this survey aiming to explore the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on their education and professional development, working conditions, wellbeing and attitude to telepsychiatry. We are aware that the pandemic impacted differently psychiatrists early in their career. Some had to revamp their professional life, start using telepsychiatry without prior training, change their workplace during the pandemic, or were quarantined. Others were not able to complete their training or take obligatory courses as planned. Therefore, mapping the impact of Covid-19 in early career psychiatrists, will help us to better assess the impact to those in training or shortly after, so we can prepare better for the future. This survey is conducted by the European Psychiatric Association Early Career Psychiatrists Committee (EPA ECPC) and the Task Force on Meetings and Associations with the collaboration and support of the European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT). It is completely anonymous, includes 24 questions, and should take about 5-7 minutes to complete.   Take the survey now  For questions please contact the EPA ECPC at ecpc@europsy.net or the EFPT at president@efpt.eu.

Join the ECNP Traumatic Stress Network


The #ECNP Traumatic Stress Network (TSN), chaired by Prof. Zohar (Israel) and Prof. Vermetten (The Netherlands), is looking for early-career scientists as new members.

To learn about the TSN, click here and to learn about current research projects read here.

Terror induced stress and Secondary prevention of PTSD are the key research topics of the Network this days.

In 2020 Risk Management of Terrorism Induced Stress - Guidelines for the Golden Hours (Who, What and When) textbook was published.

Currently, we are working on the development of the Website and Mobile App with the Guideline (Chapter 9 of the Book above, pages 185-192), and we are looking for volunteers to translate the content of the Guideline for the open access website in as many languages as possible. 

If you are interested, please email Iryna.frankova@gmail.com and fill in the contact list


Leadership and Professional Skills Course for Early Career Psychiatrists directed by Professor Norman Sartorius, 6 – 8 March 2021 (rescheduled from 10 – 12 October 2020)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the WPA and WCP organizing committee have rescheduled the 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry from 14-17 October 2020 to 10-13 March 2021, with the location still being Bangkok, Thailand. Following this, the Leadership and Professional Skills Course for Early Career Psychiatrists will also be rescheduled to 6-8 March 2021, and the new deadline for application is now 31 August 2020. 
This workshop on leadership and professional skills, explicitly aimed for early-career psychiatrists, i.e. anyone within ten years of being certified, will be led by Professor Norman Sartorius. 
There is no registration fee, and the attendance is limited to SIXTEEN. 
The only mandatory requirement is proficiency in English, as the course will be conducted entirely in English, and participants are expected to prepare an oral presentation and a poster presentation in English in advance.
Application is via:  http://bit.ly/Leadershipbkk2020
For more information regarding the application inquiries, please see the leaflet of the course.


Eastern European Countries + RUSSIA (WPA Zone 10) Webinar “GETTING STARTED WITH THE MAJOR PSYCHOSES”, 27th June 2020, 12-4 PM GMT, = 3-7 PM Moscow time.

N.B. We consider all your applications via email. Please, kindly, wait for the zoom link, as it will be sent only AFTER ALL THE PARTICIPANTS WILL BE REGISTERED.

Dear colleagues,
It’s a great pleasure to invite you to the Webinar “GETTING STARTED WITH THE MAJOR PSYCHOSES”, 27th June 2020, via ZOOM App.
The Webinar is a new beginning of the series of WEB-IN-Mental Health-ar online-ZOOM events for the clinicians and educators in the field of psychiatry.
This First upcoming Webinar is the platform to meet such leading experts in the field of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia research as
Prof. Kostas Fountoulakis (Greece),
Prof. Dina Popovic (Israel, Barcelona),
Prof. Allan Young (UK),
Prof. Carol Taminga (US).
Prof. Afzal Javed (UK), the World Psychiatric Association President Elect, will also say his introductory words about the Webinar.

The WEB-IN-Mental Health-ar is organized for mental health professionals working in the institutions of Eastern European countries and, in particular, Russia, under the auspices of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA Zone 10), Russian Society of Psychiatrists (Section on the International Affairs) and International Society of Neurobiology & Psychopharmacolgy.

The aim of these sessions is to provide a global and comprehensive update of the newest developments in neurobiology, psychopharmacology, treatment guidelines and person-centered care of mental disorders. The strategic approach of the lecturers is to avoid content-free eloquence and authority and to face hard questions on the base of research findings.

During the upcoming webinar you will have a unique opportunity not just to listen to the lectures of the experts in the field of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia research, but also directly to discuss your questions during Q&A sessions. The webinar "Getting started with the major psychoses" is the first one in the series, preplanned by the collaborative team of well-known lecturers.
Please, see the Brochure for the details of the Program.

The language of the webinar is English.
Participation in the webinar is free, but limited by the number of 500 professionals.
Register in advance via e-mail of the Organizing Committee: daria.smirnova.md.phd@gmail.com
1. Send an email with the topic WEBINAR27062020 and the information about yourself (full name, affiliations, residence in English).
2. Receive your ZOOM App link to join the event in response to your application via email, wait for the link as it will be sent AFTER ALL THE PARTICIPANTS WILL BE REGISTERED.
3. Get your e-Certificate of attendance after the event.
On behalf of the organizing committee

Онлайн конференция «Психическое здоровье — новые реалии»

Дорогие коллеги! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе первой онлайн конференции для специалистов, работающих в сфере охраны психического здоровья «Психическое здоровье — новые реалии», трансляция которой будет проходить на сайте http://psychiatryonline.ru/ 04.06.2020 с 10.00 до 15.30 (мск). Одним из организаторов конференции выступает СМУ РОП. 

Участие бесплатное

EPA 2020 Virtual mode

EPA 2020 Virtual mode

Благотворительный фонд "Будущее-сегодня"

Благотворительная Программа поддержки участия специалистов в области психиатрии и смежных областях медицины в информационно - просветительских мероприятиях в 2020 году

В связи с переносом сроков проведения мероприятия: 28-й Европейский Конгресс по психиатрии  (EPA 2020), Мадрид, Испания на 4-7 июля 2020 года, и решением организаторов о проведении Конгресса полностью в виртуальном формате,  продлен срок приема заявок на поддержку участия в EPA 2020 до 12 мая 2020 г. 19:00 

В случае одобрения заявки компенсируются следующие расходы:

  • на оплату регистрационного взноса участника мероприятия
  • на оплату взноса за участие в образовательных программах в рамках мероприятия
  • на курьерскую отправку

Для получения формы заявки в рамках направьте Запрос в электронной форме по ссылке: https://forms.gle/mVNYgqEYQRyayC5B7

или направьте сообщение в свободной форме в адрес БФ «Будущее-сегодня» futurectcf@gmail.com.

С уважением,
генеральный директор БФ "Будущее-сегодня" 
Белоцерковская Виктория Яковлевна 

WPA ECP Section Special Issue Newsletter COVID 19

Дорогие коллеги, опубликован специальный номер "COVID-19" WPA ECP Section Newsletter. посвященный В этом специальном выпуске представлены материалы многочисленных молодых психиатров из разных уголков земного шара, которые любезно поделились информацией о том, как они живут и работают во время этой пандемии. Скачать номер можно по ссылке.

NB! WPA ECP Section message – Sharing resources among early career psychiatrists – COVID-19

Dear colleagues
We hope that wherever you are, you are safe and well in the midst of this coronavirus crisis, which is impacting health services across the world.
The Section of Early Career Psychiatrists is taking the initiative of creating a google docs form where all of you can add and share tools and resources that may be of help, especially in what concerns the mental health care provision in this period.
You can add information of relevance to all in the link

You can add all these resources in the google drive folder below:

and references to these links in the google doc sheets:

Feel free to share it with your colleagues! The work of this Section as a facilitator of sharing knowledge and providing peer support to early career psychiatrists, is more important now than ever before.
Best wishes to you all!
WPA Early Career Psychiatrist Section
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